You have to see in Story to see your Story

Are you looking for a wildly entertaining visionary story and your life story re-envisioned?

Can viewing life through the lens of Story unlock you at your core and move you to help unlock others?

Would you choose to read fiction or nonfiction to step into a life-altering adventure to heal the world?

If you answered yes, step inside!

The New Seed Series

The hunting of humans has been hidden through all of history in plain sight.

A prisoner from the near future, awaiting his murder, is warning us and giving us hope of a Story.

In England, Abraham lives under the rule of the oppressive King James. Voices in a recurring nightmare haunt him. 

Will he be able to escape his worst enemies and his hidden secrets to board a ship and reunite with his family?

About the Author

We could use life-story rehab!

Charles believes our cultural saga reveals a wounded people stuck with restricted freedom of movement by issues like fear, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, loss of creativity—and without good direction in unstable times.

As a physical therapist and author, Charles desires to wildly entertain you with original, creative perspectives to re-envision life through the lens of Story to find healing and newfound freedom of movement. We can uncover our flawed individual life stories rewritten into triumph!

For Fiction Fans

The New Seed series is an epic historical adventure series that reveals a human hunt and rescue from before the beginning of time to your future days. Meet new flawed heroes caught in the dangerous crossfire of competing powers narrating competing story lines.

For Non Fiction Fans

Read Charles’ blog for fresh, life-changing insights as well as for a preview of his upcoming nonfiction series to help you uncover your rewritten life to then heal the world.

What is “Life-Story Rehab”?

Life-Story Rehab is the God of liberty, the Author of our faith, grafting and moving our stiff, broken, and beautiful individual stories, and us, into His epic suspense and action adventure Story. 

Through Him within us, we can then move in the liberty of His Spirit to heal and free others from the human hunt through all the ages.

Perhaps your Story is not cut down . . .
There is a Seed planted underground within you . . .

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